Donna Van Hooser
Goodyear, AZ, USA
18 x 33 x 1
telephone wire, various hardwoods (Cherry, Mahogany, Walnut, Wenge, Maple)
not for sale
I’m always excited to meet a new material to use in a mosaic. Every object, piece of glass, or, in this case, cable full of colorful telephone wires presents its own limitations and challenges to be overcome and explored.
This piece began with a “what if?” at a time when I was beginning to look at using color in a different way than I had previously used. Could 10 basic colors be used to create the appearance of a broader spectrum? Could pieces of bent and cut telephone wire be made to behave like a more traditional mosaic material?
Violet has remained one of my favorite mosaic subjects. From her serious expression to her not-so-serious pose, she is the perfect weim-model… regal yet slightly goofy.