Sparks of Life
Kathy Mast
Salida, CO, USA
6 x 6 x 0,75 (Framed in a 10 x 10 inches frame)
reclaimed slate from chalkboards at an old school being demolished; reclaimed copper wire bits; stone from Lake Superior.
not for sale
Having grown up and spent much of my life amidst the lakes and forests of northern Wisconsin and more recently the mountains of Colorado, I feel very connected to the earth through rocks and water and wood and metals. Textures, colors, patterns, balance – I love it all as found in the natural world. I love to pick up rocks, feel them, see how the light shines on them, notice the different colors and how different they look when wet or dry, when whole or after being broken open to reveal their inner beauty. The lines of life in wood and the sheen or corrosive beauty of various metals complements the stone textures. My materials connect me to the earth. My art is not just inspired by nature, it IS nature reconstructed in patterns and rhythms and lines that flow from my feelings at the time. The endless combinations and variations of these materials give me pleasure and allow me to express my feelings about everything from the world situation to my own very personal emotions both high and low.