In my eyes, each individual tile is singular, beautiful and unique, and could even stand on its own.
Once orchestrated among many others, the tile becomes part of a much larger story, a story born from the harmony between the dominance of light over matter, the negative spaces and the sum of their actions… the shadows.
In my work, I do not look to Nature for inspiration, I guess I am personally driven by contemporary culture and existential notions such as: Mankind versus Nature, the future and our attitude toward it, Man’s achievements and failures… Mankind is what drives me in everything I do.
Mosaic is a well of possibilities allowing creativity to travel far but it is also trapped in the middle of gravity and permanence, and this alone pushes me to constantly experiment, innovate, challenge and transcend my abilities to re-invent my work.
Considering the process, my work investigates the small and how it builds into a larger whole, putting elements together like a puzzle with the minutia of a clock maker. Like Penelope, I weave, unravel and weave again until peacefulness is reached, until it is time to let go and dive into my next creation.